About Beth Buelow
If you’re not amazed, you’re not paying attention.
Every day, there are moments and perspectives that we miss when we move too fast, work too hard. I want my images to serve as speed bumps that invite us to slow down, get out of our head, and connect with our imagination.
Feeling amazement isn’t exclusively the domain of bright shiny objects, epic vistas, or grand gestures; it can be born from more subtle, often overlooked expressions of symmetry, color, light, patterns, texture. My professional training as a musician informs my photography by way of taking the literal (notes on a page, a flower, staircase, or old barn) and honoring the intent while offering new interpretations. Since life and people are full of contradictions, I like to experiment with techniques that reveal complex layers in a creative way: intentional camera movement, multiple exposures, macros, and specialty lenses.
Since my intention is to reflect the amazing world around us, my photography doesn’t fit neatly into one particular genre or subject. I embrace the words of Walt Whitman:
Do I contradict myself?
Very well then I contradict myself,
(I am large, I contain multitudes.)
No matter the subject, my work often conveys a sense of calm, order, mystery, experimentation, contrarianism, and/or balance. Those ideas might seem to be in tension with one another, but they represent different aspects of my personality and creativity. They all ask to be expressed, and letting them have voice and sharing the amazement with others fills me with joy and purpose... I hope my vision of the world speaks to you, expands your heart, and enriches your life.
Available Art: I have selected pieces, most ready-to-hang, for sale. See what’s available for purchase and delivery for art lovers in West Michigan.
Out in the world…
Juried Group Exhibitions:
PhotoPlace Gallery, “Botanical,” online exhibition, July 2024
93rd Michigan Contemporary Art Exhibition, Muskegon Museum of Art, 2022
Black Box Gallery, Portland, OR, 2022
Texas State Photo Rodeo International Photography Exhibition, 2022
2023 PhotoSpiva Exhibition, Joplin, MO
Lakeshore Visual Arts Collective, numerous open and juried shows, 2022-23
Minimalist Photography Awards 2024, Third Place Winner, Abstract. Honorable Mention, Abstract
19th Annual Black & White Spider Awards, 2024, Honorable Mention in Architectural. Nominee in Nature
International Color Awards 2024, Nominee (Amateur): Abstract, Still Life
Monochrome Photography Awards, Honorable Mention, Landscape (Amateur), 2023
Neutral Density (ND) Awards, Honorable Mention (non-professional), Architecture, 2023
Spider Awards B/W, five Nominees (Amateur) in Abstract, People, Nature, Architecture, 2023
Minimalist Photography Awards, Honorable Mention, Open category, 2023
International Color Awards, Nominee (Amateur): Abstract, Americana, People. Honorable Mention (Amateur): Architecture, 2023 (Winner’s book featuring Architecture Image)
Fine Art Photography Awards, Nominee, Landscape (Amateur), 2023
Monochrome Photography Awards, Honorable Mention, Architecture (Amateur), 2022
World Landscape Photographer, Commended Image, 2022
ICM Photo Magazine Featured Photographer, March 2023, Dec 2022
Out of Chicago Live “Attendee Takeover” Presenter, Feb 2024, Feb 2023, March 2022